
Our aim

is to reduce the carbon impact of our events by 11.4% by 2020. By doing this we reduce our contribution to climate change and its effects.

What we are doing
  • Switching to LED lights for all of our shell scheme, reducing the energy use of each bulb by 80%.
  • Switching to recycled paper for all of our printing as this reduces its carbon impact by 28%.
Our aim

is to engage everyone involved in our events with both what we are doing, and what they can do to increase the sustainability of our events.

What you can do
  • Click here to find out what to consider while exhibiting, such as how to design your stand.
  • Click here to find out what to consider as a visitor.
Our aim

is for everything to be either reused or recycled at the end of the show, therefore reducing both the amount of resources we use and the waste we create.

What we are doing
  • All of our signage and carpet is recycled.
  • We carefully design our feature areas so that they create minimal waste.
Our aim

is for all of our events to have an industry relevant charity partner, so that we support our community and ensure that our events have a positive legacy.

What we are doing
  • Last year UBM EMEA supported over 50 different charities.
  • By supporting our charity partners with our business resources, skills, and by raising money, we donated over £623,000
Our aim

is to look at the economic, environmental and social aspect of all of our purchases, to ensure the products and services we use help us achieve a sustainable event.

What we are doing
  • Sustainability requirements are incorporated into all of our tenders and contracts.
  • We are switching to sustainable materials, such as our signage which is made out of renewable materials.
Our aim

is to ensure the safety of all onsite through implementing best practice health and safety processes.

What we are doing
  • Leading the events industry in the implementation of health and safety.

If you would like to work together with us on the sustainability of our event or have any questions please contact us at

CLICK HERE to view the UBM EMEA’s Sustainability Policy